Stories that Empower
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Experience with Program Satisfaction
When asked to indicate how well their childs experience matched with why they applied for the program, 92% indicated extremely well or very well.

Public to Private School Satisfaction
Of those families who were entering a private school directly from a public school, 89.7% indicated extremely well or very well.

Public Charter to Private School Satisfaction
Of those families who were entering a private school directly from a public charter school, 91% indicated extremely well or very well.
Amanda H., Mother
Brittani F., Mother

Monique H., Mother
Receiving the scholarship that first year was a real blessing and took such a financial burden off our shoulders. De La Salle Institute was my daughters dream choice for high school. She was not accepted her freshman year but that didnt deter her. She worked hard during her first year of high school to make the honor roll. Then, halfway through her sophomore year, she got into De La Salle, despite already accepting a tax credit scholarship at another school. I knew the scholarship would not transfer to De La Salle, but she really wanted to go, so we had to make it work. We really budgeted and half of my savings were used to pay for those few months of school, but it was worth it. Read more.

Lisa S., Mother
The teachers go above and beyond the call of duty. When I had surgery they made sure my son made it to school. During COVID, when he was home and my mom passed away, the priest, social workers, teachers and principle would check on us. I cant say enough about the stellar education and social and emotional development his school is making sure all of their students are getting. Read more.

Ebony J., Mother
When the Tax Credit Scholarship泭捩娶棗眶娶硃鳥泭began in 2018, three of Ebonys children were able to attend Sister Thea Bowman Catholic School泭on full泭scholarships.泭“At the time, my husband was in between jobs. We would not have been able to afford the tuition without this program. The scholarships gave us泭the泭financial freedom泭喧棗泭buy a new vehicle and complete some needed home repairs,泭she says.泭泭泭
Without these scholarships, families like mine泭would泭not泭have the opportunity to send泭their泭children to a school where they are泭pushed to excel and do their best.泭For my family, we would have to choose between the kids’ education and our medical bills.泭That would be a hard decision.泭It just would not be right.泭We want the same opportunities for our children as families泭have泭who can afford the tuition.泭I泭hope泭legislators will realize that these scholarships are impacting everyday families and泭communities and泭ask them to please keep this program. Read more.
Chris M., Donor
I first heard about the Tax Credit Scholarship Program from my brother, who is a principal, at a family gathering. He said, you should be all in on this program, and he was right.
If youre thinking about donating and are intimidated by the process, ask someone for help. There are plenty of people available to help you through the process, whether its someone at the school youre donating to or the 蹤獲鱉鱉 Donor Helpline. Once you donate and see the impact, you will continue to give. I cant say enough about this program. I should have done it sooner. Read more.

Lorena M., Mother
Thanks to 蹤獲鱉鱉, my son has had the opportunity to receive a quality education that would otherwise be unavailable to us. We are a family of immigrants, and thanks to the Tax Credit Scholarship Program, he will be a first-generation college student. Through his scholarship, he has been able to participate in clubs, sports, and classes that would otherwise not have been accessible. Recently, my son won first place in DECA, a club he has participated in at his school that prepares emerging leaders and entrepreneurs for careers in marketing, finance, hospitality and management. His success would not have been possible without the financial support provided by his tax credit scholarship to Wheaton Academy. Thank you for all the efforts you make every day to keep financial aid programs for students who need them. I am very grateful to each one of you.

Patricia W., Grandmother
Im fighting for tax credit scholarships on behalf of my grandson. My son, his father, attended the local public school and became very lost. He ended up not graduating and became involved in drugs. He is not involved in my grandsons life. My grandsons mother cares for him with the help of her parents who are immigrants from Mexico, and she works full time. I try to help as much as I can, and I promised her I would try to save enough money to send my grandson to a private school by junior high, because that is when my son started going down the wrong path.
My grandson is thriving at his new school and loves it. He does not have many male role models in his life, so to have a male principal he looks up to who knows his name has made a huge impact. Additionally, his mother and grandparents are very happy hes able to get a religious education and participate in the sacraments, like First Communion. Read more.

Veronica J., Mother
It was a very special moment when I was informed that we received an 蹤獲鱉鱉 scholarship. Thanks to your help, my daughter was able to finish elementary school at St. James Lutheran School. We are very grateful and we encourage people to seek help so that our children have opportunities because every child deserves a good education. Thank you.
Susan J., Mother
If my kids could get a tax credit scholarship it would mean more than anyone could possibly know. I grew up in a time when people believed that it takes a village to raise a child. I still believe this today. I instill in my kids the same upbringing I received when I was a childthat hard work and faith gets you where you need to go in life.
If you dont know ask? So many schools today and people have different ideas of what that means. I would love for my boys to have the chance for an education that is worthy of the hard work and dedication that kids need today. One that stands behind the same beliefs and the same values. That actually gives泭 your kids the tools they need to grow and learn and become the leaders of tomorrow. An education that is filled with so many opportunities without the hatred that so many young children find themselves faced with today. Children need to know that their are adults in this world that are behind them and believe in them and are willing to give them the help they need so they can strive and reach their dreams. 蹤獲鱉鱉 does that, it gives kids that chance to prove that they to can be important and make a difference. That even the smallest mouse can defeat the odds when given a chance.泭 Thank you for standing for our children of the future and giving them the opportunity to a better education.

Patrick T., Father
Im a single father. There was no way泭I was going to be able to afford my daughter attending Fenwick High School on an Uber driver salary.泭I could work 15 hours a day, seven days a week and it still wouldnt be enough.泭I was exploring ways to make this switch to Fenwick possible, and I found Empower泭Illinois. I applied and went through the process. We were so happy when we got word back that Autumn received a scholarship. It was such a relief.泭
Autumn is also a martial artist. Thats a big part of who she is and her major commitment outside of the classroom. Shes on an invitation-only team out of San Jose, California, and competes nationally.泭Her泭goal is to make Team USA. Shes an incredibly talented kid and we think theres a real future there. Of course, martial arts泭is also a very expensive thing to do. I would have to choose between her education and her dream. This scholarship made both possible. That’s why I think cutting the Tax Credit Scholarship Program would be a horrible mistake. Read more.

Desiree T., Mother
Life has泭not泭always been easy for me.泭I泭struggled trying to figure out how to feed my children, clothe泭them, and provide a stable home. I have always worked泭two,泭sometimes泭even泭three,泭jobs to survive. I have been in college trying to better my education so泭I could give my children the best. It is very hard泭as a single mother泭with little to no help,泭but I try my hardest泭every day泭to make the best of it.泭
Being able to send my children to a private school泭where their education is the top priority泭is why I am working so hard. If these scholarship funds were not泭available, I would struggle even more trying to make it happen. Empower泭Illinois泭has been a blessing for us! It has taken the load泭off泭my shoulders泭to泭provide泭a better education泭for my children, knowing I still have a chance to make life a little bit better for泭them. Read more.

Danielle L., Mother
This program is so vital to kids who come from lower income families. At public school, I felt like my kids were just a number – like standing in line at a deli. At their private schools they get so much more one-on-one attention, and I feel as though their chances will increase to attend a good college and get a well-paying job. And hopefully they will be in a position泭in the future泭where they can afford to send their kids to the泭school of their choice. This education will stick with them for years.泭I never dreamed my kids could attend schools like this, and 蹤獲鱉鱉 made it possible.
Even if we do not receive scholarships this year, I know this program helps so many families like mine. It would be a real shame to cut this program. What is more important than our childrens future? Read more.

Kurt W., Father
My wife and I have been married for 25 years. We have five children aged 19, 17, 14, 12, and nine. We were originally a homeschooling family, but when my wife went back to work, we decided St. Marys would be the best for several of our children. We both work in the public sector, so even with the financial aid that St. Marys was offering us, we were probably going to have to make some tough decisions. But then 蹤獲鱉鱉 and the scholarships came onto the scene.
Its been such a blessing not just for us, but for many other families at St. Marys and schools across Illinois. This program relies on the generosity of its donors. People and businesses from across Illinois dont have to donate to get kids into better schools. But they do. Its such a phenomenal program and I thank God every time I think about it. Its given all of us the opportunity to send our kids where they need to be. Read more.

Sharyl R., Mother
When the COVID-19 pandemic happened, things started getting worse. Obviously remote learning is not as effective as being in the classroom, and by August I realized that it was not working for my kids. I pulled my boys out of the public school and started homeschooling them. There are a lot of resources, but it was a lot to juggle, especially with my own schoolwork.
After a few months of homeschooling, I was having a really hard time. My husband and I discussed if we should try living on a tighter budget or taking money out of our retirement fund to afford private school for the kids. I remember that was a Tuesday night, and then Wednesday morning we received a call from Faith Evangelical Lutheran that they had a 75% scholarship for Isaiah for the 2020-2021 school year. If that is not an answer to a prayer, I do not know what is! Read more.

Sarah M., Mother
When we received a scholarship for my daughter to attend St. Malachy this upcoming school year, it was a huge relief. Ill be able to afford to send my twins to preschool, so theyll get the education jump-start and socialization they need. Plus, my daughter was thrilled to be able to tell her friends and teachers at St. Malachy that she will be back next year. She loves it, and the small class sizes and values they instill have made all the difference. Read more.

Elizabeth F., Mother
I am a mother of soon to be 5 children. I was a single mother with my first 2 children for 5 years. I would dedicate and sacrifice myself to work to earn enough money for them to attend a Catholic school. When I got married, we moved out to a new home and I became a stay at home mom. Thats when things became very difficult for us because we were unable to afford the tuition on a single income. Sadly, for the first year my children attended a local public school for the first time in their lives and that had a major impact on them. My children were noticeably unhappy and it felt like everything I sacrificed to educate them and give them a good formation in their upbringing went to waste right before my eyes. Just when I felt like all hope was gone is when I heard about 蹤獲鱉鱉 from my sister. I immediately took action, and with much hope and prayer both my children were blessed with receiving this scholarship.泭Read more.
Stacey H., Mother
Before my divorce, all three of my sons were attending private Jewish Day Schools, and afterward I became solely financially responsible for their education. The divorce was already a huge upset in my childrens lives, and I wanted to keep things as normal as possible. Pulling them out of school where they had friends and a community they had grown to know and love would have been another huge disruption and derailed my efforts to raise them as Orthodox Jewish young men.
We first heard about 蹤獲鱉鱉 through Fasman Yeshiva High School in Skokie and applied. Thankfully, we received scholarships all four years of the Tax Credit Scholarship Program, which allowed me to keep my kids at their best-fit schools. I felt sending them to a school where they could receive a Jewish-based education was incredibly important towards maintaining their Jewish identify. The pull to assimilate to the outside world is so strong, people often lose the desire to stay within the fold. Their Jewish education has made all the difference in helping them become successful young men who are involved in the community and religiously observant. Read more.
Beatrice M., Mother
Thank you for awarding our children the 蹤獲鱉鱉 Scholarship for the Fall 2020 Spring 2021 school year. It is truly a blessing. The feeling of happiness overwhelmed me as I read the award notice.
Prior to receiving the award, my husband and I were certain we would not be able to afford our children’s private school. My husband has not worked since March due to COVID-19. Things have not been easy. With your support, my sons are able to take advantage of in-person learning. We are blessed to have them in a faith-based school to help them emotionally during these challenging times.
Tamika N., Mother
I would like to thank you for your generous donation, and express my sincere gratitude for the scholarship we were awarded. With this scholarship my son has been able to receive a world class education at a great school. The financial assistance has helped us focus on curriculum and his studies without any distraction regarding financial status. Thank you very much for awarding us this scholarship.
Elvira R., Mother
The school my sons were attending was closing, leaving them in educational limbo. We thought of getting into a wonderful, private school but knew that the tuition would be out of our budget.
This is where 蹤獲鱉鱉 comes in: we filled out a scholarship application and figured the least that could happen is that we wouldn’t get it. Yet to our great surprise, we received a scholarship and, equally important, an opportunity to dream once again by knowing that my sons were able to continue to pursue their love of learning.
Allyssa N., Mother
Thank you so much for the opportunity you gave to our son. We could never afford to send him to the amazing private school he is currently attending because of 蹤獲鱉鱉. We tried 3 consecutive years to get this scholarship, and our persistence finally paid off.
He is the happiest I have seen him in a long time. He’s making friends with kids who are like minded and understand him. He is learning so much everyday from his brilliant teachers. Thank you to every single person who donated any amount! We are forever grateful.
Jada O., Student
When I was in the public middle school, it was difficult because I didnt understand the things that they taught. Like in my math class, they taught math one way and I didnt understand it.
I would always stress and tell my mom, I cant do this. I cant learn this way. And when I came here, my teachers taught me strategies and other ways to learn how to do the math. Wolcott School really helps because they teach you a variety of ways to help you learn best…People should be very proud when they donate to people who cant afford to go to really good schoolsgo to schools that would actually help them and take the time to listen and just really take the time out of their day to help students, whether they have a learning difference or not. They make a difference in peoples lives. And that if they werent here giving their money and supporting people like me who need a scholarship to go to a school that really helps them, then none of that would be possible. And they should be very proud, and I will be very thankful for all of those people.
Jasmine B., Mother
Jasmine is the mother of three students at St. Patrick Catholic School in Springfield. Two of her kids had attended public schools, but she felt they were just a number, and did not get their needs met. Jasmine attended St. Patrick herself, but could not afford to send her kids to the school she felt was home to her.
During the 2019-2020 school year, however, she received a full tuition scholarship for both her older children. This enabled them to afford a school that addresses their special needs, including odd work schedules and low-income. She was also able to send her daughter to dance class, and her son was able to play Little League. Without the scholarships, this would not have been possible. God had His eye on Jasmines family.
Jasmine was instrumental in protecting the Invest in Kids Act in the 2019 legislative session, making several trips to the state Capitol. Her story was one of hope and encouragement, as she explained how much the Invest in Kids Act had changed the dynamics of her familys education.
Rich G., Father
We have three girls and providing them with a quality, Catholic education is very important to us. My wife and sister-in-law both attended Blessed Sacrament in Belleville, so we knew it was a great school. Our oldest started in Pre-Kindergarten, so weve been there over a decade, and affording the tuition has been a struggle.
Our youngest daughter was born with a health condition, so one of us needed to be her full-time caretaker. My job offered more flexibility, so I stepped into that role. With mounting medical bills and limited income, we really had to hustle to afford the tuition at Blessed Sacrament, but it was a priority for us, and the school has been very gracious with our payment plan. My wife did a lot of research looking for any source of financial aid, and thankfully we found the Tax Credit Scholarship Program.
We did not receive scholarships the first two years we applied, but we kept trying, and this past school year received awards for our two older girls. It was such a blessing. It gave us the breathing room to focus on our youngest daughter, who is also at Blessed Sacrament and attending Kindergarten this year on a tax credit scholarship. When she started there in Pre-K, she was crying every day when we dropped her off. But after the first semester, there was no more crying. The teachers gave her the confidence to feel comfortable there and have done so much to accommodate her. Its been amazing. Read more.
Mireya J., Mother
A tax credit scholarship would be so important to my son, who will be an incoming freshman for the 2023-2024 school year. My son has always wanted to attend Boylan Catholic High School. Since a young age, he has dreamt of playing on their football and baseball teams. He has also realized that the students who attend Boylan develop a closer bond, since it is a smaller school. He is a very shy kid at first, but once you get to know him he is a very funny, hardworking, and caring kid. He does struggle academically. He tries his hardest, and stays after school for tutoring, but still does not end up with the best grades. Public schools have a larger number of children per classroom, and I understand how it can be very difficult for a teacher to be able to give all their attention to one student. Boylan, having small classrooms, would give him the opportunity to have more one on one time with his teachers and get a better understanding of the lesson being taught. I would be incredibly grateful for this opportunity and scholarship for my son, as I will hopefully be going back to school to finish my nursing degree soon. Thank you so much!
Katie B., Mother
My family and I are very grateful for the 蹤獲鱉鱉 scholarship, which we have received over the past several years. My husband and I have four kids.泭 On the day that our third child was born in 2010, my husband lost his job and was subsequently unemployed for 15 months. During my maternity leave for that same child, I lost my job. That was a dark period for our family and the effects have lasted quite a few years. At that time, our oldest was in preschool at a Catholic grade school. We had a lot of tough decisions to make. Should we try to stay in our house? Should we keep our kids in Catholic school? We ultimately sold our house in a short sale and moved in with my parents. However, our dedication to Catholic school never wavered, and we decided that we would keep our kids in Catholic school no matter what. Read more.

Emily and Emmanuella A., Students
My favorite part about being at St. Thomas is the teachers and the students, because they’re always willing to help you when you need it. There’s a very good support system everybody’s willing to help each other out. The best things my teacher taught me is even though you have to be your individual self, you’re still going to need help throughout your life. I want to say thank you to the donors, because without this scholarship, it would be really hard to continue going to St. Thomas. Read more.
Sarah S., Mother
I am a single mother of five children and rely heavily on my 15-year-old daughter for help. In 2020, our family relocated to a new city, and my daughter felt more and more isolated as a homeschooler in a new area with no connections and COVID shutting down all the activities she had been involved in.泭Last year, I found out that a private school in our area was willing to help make it possible for my daughter to start her freshman year there. This opportunity changed everything! She now has lots of friends and even plays on their soccer team. She has been brought back to life, and she can finally be a kid again!
Earlier this year, I learned that 蹤獲鱉鱉 could possibly help my daughter continue to thrive at her school. Some of my other children are interested in attending the private school too, but I can’t afford the tuition for one student let alone several. Receiving a scholarship from 蹤獲鱉鱉 would be such a blessing for my family! This scholarship would help her to continue her quality, Christian education at the private school where she is flourishing. 蹤獲鱉鱉 makes a difference in so many children’s lives, and I’d love to one day say that 蹤獲鱉鱉 is making a difference in my children’s lives too.

Symara M., Mother
My husband and I live just outside Chicago with our two children. My son is a sophomore at Fenwick High School and my daughter is finishing up eighth grade at a local public school. She just received a tax credit scholarship to attend Chicago Academy of the Arts next year and we are so excited!
I am a business owner myself, and the pandemic really impacted us financially. I even donated to the Tax Credit Scholarship Program pre-pandemic, and now, to be on the other side of it and be the one in need, Im just so thankful to the donors. And please keep giving. The arts especially really need to be supported, and all children should have access to schools outside of their neighborhoods. I am so eternally grateful for people who show they value education by contributing to this program, and every dollar helps our students. Read more.
John J., School Leader
Many families rely on tax credit scholarships to attend our school. It not only benefits our students and school community, but our church. Before TCS we provided as many scholarships as we could through our church, and our members were very supportive, but we were not able to offer much to families because we wanted to take care of everyone. The TCS program completely removed that burden, and since it began, we have not lost one family due to lack of funds. Read more.

Luis M., Father
My daughter, Gabriella, has been through some very difficult times. When she was in Kindergarten, I was granted custody of her, and she had to leave her mom and sisters to come live with me. It turned her whole world upside-down, but it was for the best because their home life was very traumatic.
Once under my care, my family decided that Gabriella should attend a Catholic school because we did not want her to have a tough time at school after everything she had been through. My aunt, my uncle, my girlfriend, and Gabriellas grandmother all pitched in to help with tuition. Although it was hard to scrape the money together, it was worth it because it gave her a great support system both at home and at school. I have four other children who attend public school, and there is definitely a difference in the amount of individual attention Gabriella receives due to her smaller class size. Read more.
Elizabeth H., Mother
I am a single mom of two children. When I divorced in 2018, I had no income and a high school education, but I knew that I needed to set a positive example for my children.
I enrolled at the College of DuPage, earning an associates degree in Applied Science in 2020, and was inducted into Lambda Epsilon Chi, the National Paralegal Honor Society. I then transferred to Elmhurst University and earned a bachelors degree in Urban Studies with a minor in Environmental Studies in 2022. At Elmhurst, I made the Deans List and was inducted into Pi Gamma Mu, the International Honor Society for Social Sciences. I am now a paralegal in DuPage County.
In 2020,泭 my son received a tax credit scholarship from 蹤獲鱉鱉 to attend Montini Catholic High School as a freshman. The scholarship gave my son educational and social opportunities that are not available at our local public school. Read more.

Mrs. McCoy, Teacher
To say that Mrs. McCoy goes above and beyond seems like an understatement. She is above and beyond every day and then goes even higher. Her enthusiasm on the topics she teaches draws in even the most reluctant student. She attends a workshop on technology in the classroom and returns having personally purchased a green screen to use in all her classes. And at a time where resources are stretched thin already and she had a full plate of classwork, she decided it was a perfect time to embark on adding robotics to our curriculum. She wrote a grant to the CEF and was gifted the funds to purchase a set of robots. The goals of this new project are to increase problem solving and critical thinking skills. Students will apply their knowledge of coding to solve problems in a variety of subjects such as science and mathematics. Her goal is to see meaningful technology integration into all subjects. These robots will help inspire not only the students but the staff to grow. We are so blessed to have Mrs. McCoy at St. Matthew Parish School.

Jennifer L., Mother
As a single mom, I do not know what we would do without this program. With the newfound financial freedom provided by tax credit scholarships, I was able to go back to school and finish my Associates Degree. Im currently pursuing my Bachelors Degree while working full time. I fully support funding for public schools, but the way the system is right now,泭they泭would not offer the same resources and quality education for my kids.泭I hope legislators realize that this program is the only way that hard-working families like mine can send their children to their best-fit school.泭I’ll do whatever I can to help the program, and泭hope to become a donor myself once I am泭financially able. Read more.

Grace C., Mother
When my husband passed away, I had to try to figure out whether they could stay or if wed have to move schools. It was really hard, in all honesty. This was the school theyve always been at. It began to look like I would need to send them elsewhere because of our financial means.
When I heard about 蹤獲鱉鱉 and these scholarships, that was the first glimmer of hope we had. It has been such a blessing for our family. The tax credit scholarships have really helped and allowed my kids to stay at their school. Read more.

Toni S., Mother
Her biggest thing was that she wanted to go where she felt she belonged, where she was surrounded by her type of people. Without our Invest in Kids scholarships, none of this would have ever been a possibility. I would have had to tell my daughter no.泭Cutting or eliminating the program would be a big mistake.泭Kids with bright futures ahead of them would get lost in the mix, in the midst of overcrowded schools when they deserve a better education. Read more.

Larissa W., Mother
Receiving tax credit scholarships for my children would mean the world to us. It would allow them to receive a valuable education, which I would otherwise not be able to afford.
We have five children and neither my husband nor I are working right now. My husband lost his job because of COVID-19, and I had to quit my job to take care of my father who has advanced Alzheimer’s disease and lives with us. We have still not been able to find a work, so we are currently living off of savings and would not be able to pay for private school at this time.
Additionally, many of our children have health issues so it is very difficult for us. Our family has been through a lot over the past few years so this would mean the world to us! If we were to receive even one scholarship, it would be a first string of positive luck in a very very long time for our family. Thank you for your time and God-bless.
Anonymous, Father
My family has been very blessed to receive multiple scholarships from 蹤獲鱉鱉 over the past several years, including this upcoming school year. These scholarships have meant that our family could continue to pursue private education, even though financial times have been very difficult for us.
We had always planned on sending our children to Catholic schools. When our kids were younger, we were able to afford private education, which we consider to be extremely important for us. As time passed, our financial situation changed, and we had to reconsider sending our children to Catholic schools, even though private education was a top priority for us. At the same time, Illinois introduced the Tax Credit Scholarship Program. We applied and received an award during the very first year.
If the program were to be discontinued, we would be adversely affected, as most of our children would need to switch schools at the tail end of their education. We greatly appreciate the TCS Program, the very generous donors, and the legislators who support these scholarships.

Crystal H., Mother
Im really her only support, and I wanted to support her, but private school is so expensive that it was hard for me to even think about sending her to Cristo Rey St. Martin without a scholarship.
She received the scholarship for her freshman year, starting last fall. I remember,泭honestly,泭just crying泭out of happiness. I knew that this is the right path for her. She was overwhelmed with joy, too 疼nowing that shed be going somewhere that would support her and challenge her. Read more.

Montell G., Mother
I was paying fifty percent tuition, which was doable and well worth the money, but the school called me in December and said they were able to offer us a full scholarship. It was a huge blessing. Without these scholarships, I would not be able to afford private school tuition for my son.
I was an Illinois student who was able to attend private grammar and high school on scholarships, and I think my education gave me the best chance to succeed. Here I am years later with both a泭Bachelors泭and an泭Associates泭degree.泭I support public schools, and they work for some students, but education cannot be one size fits all. Read more.

Courtney H., Mother
This Tax Credit Scholarship Program gives me the ability to send my daughter, to what I believe is the best school. It also relieved a lot of stress – I work full time, am a single mother, and get no assistance anywhere else. Her father passed away in 2014, so all financial responsibility falls onto my shoulders. I can work on bettering our future financially while getting help from families who want to give back to their local community. Read more.

Tracy M., Mother
My daughter is currently a third grader at St. Mary Nativity in Joliet, Illinois. Every year since Kindergarten, they have worked with me and the payments I could make, when I could make them, until the tuition was paid in full. This year, and for next year, she is a recipient of the Empower Scholarship. We are so blessed to have been selected, as this year has been extremely difficult. My pay has gone down considerably with the COVID-19 pandemic, and I did not want to have to take her out of school.
Lexis has a heart condition (MVP) as well as an ISP for her ADHD. The school has been so wonderful with looking out for her – watching for signs of distress and developing plans to help her succeed in school. I could not ask for a better staff and loving, nurturing environment for Lexi to have everyday. This much needed help is truly a gift from God, and we thank all of those who have made this scholarship possible every night when we say our prayers.

Jessica S., Mother
This has been our second year getting the scholarship. Years ago, my daughter had been going to a Catholic school for preschool, but I could only afford to keep her there for three half days during the week, on my own. I work as a cashier at Jewel Osco, and people were telling me to apply for these scholarships.
We changed schools to Pope Francis Global Academy for her to try to receive a tax credit scholarship. It was sort of last minute; we didnt think we were going to get anything. I was so grateful when the news came. I didnt know if I could go through another year of working part time and balancing all of it.
I cried when we found out. It was such a relief. Its hard because I am relying on other people and their generosity to make ends meet. I cant wait to be a donor to this program. I need to return the favor because Invest in Kids has made such a huge difference in our lives. Read more.

Gail K., Grandmother
My daughter passed away in 2018, leaving Harper (5yrs) and her sister, Elayna (11yrs) in our care. Their father was in prison and there was no life insurance in my daughters name.
Both girls were attending public schools. Elayna was thriving, but Harper was having behavioral and learning issues. When we became their guardians we discussed transferring both girls into private schools, but financially it was not feasible, as my husband had recently retired and I was also retired but working a part-time retail job.
With Elayna enjoying and performing well in the public school, we decided to transfer Harper into St. Clare School the year following her mothers passing. We received a partial contribution from our family parish, which was much appreciated but was still a financial burden for us. We wanted to continue Harpers private education and was encouraged to apply for the 蹤獲鱉鱉 tax credit scholarship. We were THRILLED to receive the notice of her award this year. We sincerely appreciate the assistance and pray that Harpers success continues at St. Clare School.
Brianna Y., Student
Both my parents came here at a young age. Theyre immigrants and they wanted something better for us. They wanted something better for their families. Before we started receiving financial aid, my parents were working 15 hours a day, nonstop. So, having the opportunity to receive this scholarship is giving them more time to be with us, which is very great for us, for my siblings and I. Were spending more time with our family. Im a recipient of a tax credit scholarship, as well as my younger brother. Without that scholarship, we probably would have been going to the local public schools, which arent as great as my Catholic school is. I feel part of a community. People are welcoming here, and Im learning values and life lessons that Ill carry on throughout college, my life, high school, everywhere, that are irreplaceable to me. Im striving to go to an Ivy League school, God willingly, and in college, I would like to become a neonatal physician. My motivation is for my parents. I want to repay them in the future, to do something better for everything that theyve given my family.
Theresa G., Mother
As a single mother of five children, I am forever grateful to 蹤獲鱉鱉. While my oldest has graduated, my four daughters were in limbo this past school year. My children have attended Catholic schools since they were three years old, but I have to struggled to make ends meet in recent years, and I was concerned I could no longer pay for tuition. I prayed for a miracle everyday. The school district we live in is overcrowded and underperforming, so I knew I would do all I could keep them in Catholic schools, but I did not know if it would be possible. I reluctantly registered them for the fall and within a few weeks I received word of my award from 蹤獲鱉鱉. I literally cried tears of joy. It was an overwhelming sense of relief to know my children could continue receiving a quality education.
Angela M., Mother
Without the 蹤獲鱉鱉 scholarship, I would not be able to afford to send my children to a great school. I am a single mother of two children. My son is a junior in high school, in all honor and AP classes. Last year, I qualified for the 蹤獲鱉鱉 scholarship, and it helped me out tremendously! I was finally able to breathe and not have to worry about how I was going to make ends meet. My daughter is in Kindergarten, her father passed away in the beginning of August. With the help of this scholarship, I was able to keep her in the school that I trusted and believed would be the best for her. She is growing, and her teachers are going above and beyond to help make sure she is more than ready for 1st grade. I wouldnt want to take her from that.
Michael T., Grandfather
As a single grandparent of two school children it is very difficult to provide them with all the tools and some basic items they require to be healthy and successful. Thanks to this program, my granddaughter is able to attend a school that will help her gain confidence, and the skills she will need. Without the help we have been able to prosper from, I dont know what well do next year.